Sorry guys

Guys i know im not a leader but you guys died…even houndy said so.  I think you should end SR. Houndy may lead Snow Fighters with me so anyone that wants can come with us. If you want just click here . Bye everyone…….unless you come.

Recruiting/Now on Google!

Dan: Well i quit and  i decided to UNMERGE the snow fighters. Anyone that wants can stay but you can come back if you like.

Guys, we need to pick ourselves up. I understand you’re not active is because, we’re not doing anything here. I’m starting a recruiting session next sunday.

What: Recruiting Session

Where: Sabertooth, plaza

Time: Sunday, 3:00 Club Penguin Standard Time

Why: We need to pick ourselves up and I iz bored


In other news, we’re on google! Thats right we are! Just search snow rebels and you’re there! It may come up to our pages but atleast we’re on!


Retirement of Coolguy12348

Flip edit: I wish you luck in the future.And good luck in baseball 😉 a great friend, great leader, goes down in history as one of the first leaders of sr.

Well guys, The title pretty much explains what’s going on. I, Coolguy12348 am retiring, after 2 Years, and 7 Months, I am retiring from all CP Armies. Here is my CP Army story…

It was sometime in August when I logged on to Club Penguin. I went to Mammoth, Snow Forts, and I saw a big group of Black and Red penguins. I asked who they were, and they said the UMA. I asked them how to join, and they told me what site to go to. I joined the UMA, and got a high rank of Counselor. When CPWW2 took place, I believed in ACP’s causes the most out of all the armies. I quit the UMA and joined the ACP. When I joined, Oagalthorp was the leader, and he gave me the rank of Petty Officer. It was a low rank, but I was phsyced just to be in the Army of CP. Sometime in September, I fought in my first battle! It was really fun because I got to talk to alot of new people, and Oagalthorp even added me as a friend! It was really fun at the time. 1-2 years later, in 2008-2009, I started to feel really unappreciated because the leaders were skipping over me on promotion days, and people weren’t giving me the respect I deserved. I formed a group called the “Promote ACP” program. It wasn’t a rebellion, or us asking for promotions, but were asking to be respected. After we had that settled, I formed an army called the CPT, or Club Penguin Troopers. We merged with the SF, and the MFW and formed the SR, and that’s where my CP Army Career ended. I was 12 years old, and felt that if I didn’t retire, it would take over my life. So, I retired.

Here are some people that I would like to thank, and talk about.

Fox- Without someone to hate, It wouldn’t be fun.

Ias- You were a great friend and soldier.

Pinki- You were really nice and a great friend.

Danny- Lol, thanks for being there buddeh.

Luc- A great friend.

Fliper- You were a really great friend and soldier. You were always there for me. Hope your life goes well.

John- You WERE a good friend, but then we stopped talking. Lol, Cya.

Capn- I remember when you were a noob, lol, also a great friend.

Houndy- Hope life goes well for ya.

Mchappy- You were always nice to me, You were one of my BEST friends.

Those are the people I would like to thank the most for a great CP Army career. There were alot more people that were my friends, but those are my favorite.

Goodbye for the last time,



Yeah thats right I’m retiring from THIS army and only this army. No one is going be active so why should we still be an army? I will tell you why am I in this army in the first place. I joined because I wanted to be with my friends thats all. Now peace out!

-Never gonna give you up and hurt you :mrgreen:

Forget it

Dan: Fliper, just to let you know, when i posted that demote a leader poll, i picked you. I never wanted you to be leader -.-

Flip: I had a block party and I couldn’t go online any way my punishment was going to the party. And you can’t blame cool for retiring. And Houndy just said he couldn’t come on weekdays. (when it was a saturday) how else is he suppose to comment? Just go, we are active. You’re just saying words, forget it, just go. Then they were two…

None of the leaders agree with me. Coolguy fricken retired, houndy said he cant go online on weekdays ( when it really was a saturday) and fliper, well he had a party but he still didnt comment. So im just gonna quit. You guys can have your army. I leave danny in my place. I wasnt going over board. I just wanted this army to be active……….


Dan: I just wanted this army to grow. Yeah my grades have fallen ever since i joined armies. But i still try, i get A’s and B’s, and for what? These armies are fun for me and i hate having a falling army. When we merged into the other ST no one said anything. Then we were not even a army for a day. I have always wanted a successful army, but i guess i fail in armies. I dont know why i am still here. I didnt want to say what i said. It was for the best. I just wanted people to comment if they couldnt make it. Dont tell me after. if you cant go on, comment before-hand. I had faith in this army, but i guess i was wrong. So the most i can say is good luck getting active. You guys will need it.

Coolguy: I am so sorry guys, today I had my first baseball game of the season. If I didn’t, I would have came.

Houndy: Take it one by one. We can’t be all upset like this everyday. We’re a new army, we’re bound to grow one day. So, don’t demote any of us. BTW, my grades have barely fallen (But fallen by 1-2 points). I DON’T GO ON DURING THE SCHOOL WEEK (Monday-Friday Afternoon)

Flip: Dan you are going too over bourd with this, this is insane! Dan I speak in my opinion that other leader’s try to make it to chat as much as possible. I am inferiated by this. You know about the number of troops we have. And I actually try to come to every event. My grades are slowly dropping, and with the strictist teachers in all of the world waying me down. And look, I’m still here! This goes for everyone. I think they try! Give them a break Dan. We havn’t been an army for a month. And now your prepared to demote? This, this is inconceivable! I have no words to describe this! Not even a month and this! I spoke my word. And I’m prepared to do what’s right for this army. I take full credit for what I said and, I don’t regret a single word. Don’t take this note I just made is offencive. And I speak for every leader here. It was something that turned up for each and every one of us. Take Houndy off the demotion poll. He made this site, came up with the name, and had the idea in the first place to merge. And for coolguy, I’m sure something came up like as for me. And me, Something turned up, it’s too personal. So don’t blame us Dan. Nobody’s perfect. Each of us have some flaws that are to hard to explain, or they have some trouble in anything.

Really guys? I  go on chat with danny and its just us two. What happen to being active like 9000 and 100? I may be a leader but im prepared to demote other leaders. I think danny should be a leader because he is active. So i am making a poll. Im prepared to demote. Im sorry if this is mean to the other leaders but i want you guys to be active. If you cant make it, comment, this goes for EVERYONE. So Im making this poll to see who should be demoted. Im sorry to the other leaders. If you want to impeach me for this, its fine. But you wont be getting more active. Below is the poll. And for the soldiers, come to events or you will get demoted.

Before we go out there…

Anirko: Just as a reference Cool, the Defense didn’t get themselves into this. Doritos are attacking for the name, DCP. Anyway, I think we should stay neutral, I only brought this in to see the other leader’s opinions.

Flip: I just thought it will be a good way to sharpen SR’s senses. But good point Cool. I never intended on saying that we SHOULD really go out there. I wanted to hear from other leaders. Neutral it is. I never thought they actually messed things with the bigger DCP

Coolguy: Guys, I think we should stay neutral in this war, because if we help the Defense of CP, the Doritos will destroy us. I, myself, hate the Doritos, but I don’t think we should help the Defense for the reasons of invading. If they are going to fail, they will fail, only because they got themselves into this mess.

Before we go out there in the field. Doing what we do best. I want to get things strait, my opinion on the DCP vs. Defense of CP, the stuff we need to perfect before we even set foot on the field. We need to perfect tactics, order, discipline. Tactics, you never want to go out with tactics. Order, every army needs to have order, we all know that. Discipline, every army knows it, every body respects it, and I think we need to learn it. Not saying there’s anything wrong. But we need people to follow orders. I don’t care who leads, who doesn’t, who you hate, who you’re defending. We need to work on it. We need to get this army in shape. Cause you never know about the whole war against the two DCP is going to turn out. I know IF we do help the defense out…..we’re in trouble. Dorito’s all over us. I’m writing this so we don’t fall to our knees just by doing this. And if we don’t help don’t help defense. Same plan. Possible raid. We need to hear it from you. Should we go out there, help DCP and let Doritos charge us, or do nothing at all, let DCP fall. I’m willing to hear any game plan from the other leaders. Because I think we should go out there. I’m saying we need to perfect any flaws that we have. Cause if we are going to help DCP we need to be prepared, no time for mistakes SR. I know Cons and Pros are going to help out. But I feel like we shouldn’t sit back. I think no army needs to go through this.


Active Count!

Look at the Tournament post 2 posts down!

Ok since the tourney is coming up i want to have an active count to see how many people are active. You MIGHT get a promo but i have to talk to the other leaders about it. Ok well he is an example on how you should comment.

Name: Danthemanr1

Rank: Leader

How active you are (1-10) 10

Comment or die/get maimed so horribly you wished you were dead!

A Possible Help?

Flip edit: Neutral at the moment, we can’t afford to lose any of our servers with the number of troops we have. And if we don’t help any army at all. DCP will just have to fight their own battles…


Coolguy: I think we should stay neutral in this war. Here are the Pros and Cons of helping the Defence.

Pros: We gain an ally and possibly defeat the Doritos. We could gain some servers from the Doritos.

Cons: We would gain an enemy. We could possibly be attacked and lose all of our servers.

The DCP(Defense of Club Penguin) are calling on us to help them fight against the other DCP(Doritos of ClubPenguin). If we help them, we gain an ally, but also gain a major enemy(The Doritos). I don’t know if we should help them, thats for the leaders to decide, but what this army needs is a war. The Doritos are very large, and the Defence is doing all they can do defend. However, the Doritos are currently in war with some other armies as well. Leaders, edit with your opinion.

The March Madness Tourny

Anirko Edit: OK, guys, this tournament is more important than it seems. If we show in good numbers against the Hot Sauce, which, I think is the 7th largest army, can’t check because of CPA central being down, we will grow. We are fighting a major army, and if we do well against them, it’ll be a new army that has emerged. We’ll get more recruits, and we’ll get noticed by the major armies. Brilliant idea Houndy, to get us involved in the tournament. So be there, if you want to see this army grow.

Flip edit: Please just come to the event! I don’t want this army to look like it’s one of those n00b armies that only one person shows, I’m counting on you on this one! Also I published the divisions, Cool I didn’t put any people on the division cause I didn’t want them to have a division they didn’t like.

Well today, I announced the March Madness tourney on chat. And boy, was it exciting as heck. Here are the matchups so far.


ACP- Overall Number 1 seed of Tourney

WW- Number 1 seed of bottom bracket of Red Bracket

Matchup 1-

ACP vs IMAF Saturday, March 27th Snow Fort, Snow Forts 9 PST, 10 MT, 11 CST, 12 EST, 5 PM GMT

Matchup 2-

SR vs HSA       Saturday, March 27th Snow Fort, Snow Forts 9:20 AM PST, 10:20 AM MT, 11:20 AM CST, 12:20 PM EST, 5:20 PM GMT

Matchup 3-

RFW vs DCP   Saturday, March 27th Snow Fort, Snow Forts 9:40 AM PST, 10:40 AM MT,  11:40 AM CST, 12:40 PM EST, 5:40 PM GMT

Matchup 4-

WW vs UMA Saturday, March 27th Snow Fort, Snow Forts 10 AM PST, 11 AM MT, 12 PM CST, 1 PM EST, 6 PM GMT


IW- Number one seed for bottom half of Blue Bracket.

Nachos- Number one seed of top of blue bracket

Matchup 1-

Nachos vs TG Sunday, March 28th Snow Fort, Snow Forts  12:00 PST, 1:00 MT, 2:00 CST, 3:00 EST, 8 PM GMT

Matchup 2-

GT vs Cookies  Sunday, March 28th Snow Fort, Snow Forts 12:20 PM PST, 1:20 MT, 2:20 CST, 3:20 EST,8:20 PM GMT

Matchup 3-

NW vs RPF         Sunday, March 28th Snow Fort, Snow Forts 12:40 PM PST, 1:40 MT, 2:40 CST, 3:40 EST, 8:40 PM GMT

Matchup 4-

IW vs Tacos Sunday, March 28th Snow Fort, Snow Forts 1 PM PST, 2 MT, 3 CST, 4 EST, 9 PM GMT 

Here’s a time zone map if you haven’t learned what you’re time zone is:

Of course, you should know by now. Here are the rules:

  • No hacking in anyway (Bots, Empty Servers, ETC)
  • The battles are twenty minutes long.
  • The battles will take place on weekends. (Saturday and Sunday)
  • The battles will take place in the Snow Forts.
  • You want update on the tourney? Come look at this blog.  Pics can be posted by the armies.
  • If an army does not show in 10 minutes, CONGRATS! You have won the battle.

So get ready guys, this is going to be one WILD RIDE!
